mandag 9. august 2010

Nordic Conference in Sociology of Religion og nye bøker til biblioteket

Den 20. i rekken av Nordic Conference of sociology of religion ble holdt på Campus Gimlemoen i Kristiansand. 120 religionssosiologer møtte frem og programmet var imponerende.  Konferansen gikk fra 4-6 August og hadde keynotespeakers som James A. Beckford, Helen Rose Ebaugh, Effie Fokas, og UiAs egen Ole Riis.

Temaet for konferansen var multi-religious societies- polarization, co-existence, indifference.

Etter NCSR-konferansen var over fredag 6. august ble flere av bøkene donert til biblioteket.

Her følger en liste over noen av bøkene som ble gitt til biblioteket, lenket til Bibsys Ask:

The ministry to Finns abroad / edited by Kimmo Kääriäinen and Eila Helander

Faith and its critics : a conversation / David Fergusson

Confirmation work in Europe : empirical results, experiences and challenges : a comparative study in seven countries / Friedrich Schweitzer, Wolfgang Ilg, Henrik Simojoki (Eds.)

Moral, believing animals : human personhood and culture / Christian Smith

Religion in public life : must faith be privatized? / Roger Trigg

 The Oxford handbook of the sociology of religion / edited by Peter B. Clarke

Hinduism : a very short introduction / Kim Knott

Sikhism : a very short introduction / Eleanor Nesbitt

Mormonism : a very short introduction / Richard Lyman Bushman

Christianity : a very short introduction / Linda Woodhead

Citizenship : a very short introduction / Richard Bellamy

Islam : a very short introduction / Malise Ruthven

Islamic history : a very short introduction / Adam J. Silverstein 

Does confirmation training really matter? : a longitudinal study of the quality and effectiveness of confirmation training in Finland / Kati Niemelä 

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