fredag 3. mai 2013

Nye bøker til UB i april

Religion som bevegelse : læring, kunnskap og mediering / Geir Afdal

Motivational interviewing : helping people change / William R. Miller, Stephen Rollnick

Conflict and development : development matters / Eleanor O'Gorman

Forteljing som identitetskonstruksjon ved alvorleg sjukdom : ein hermeneutisk analyse av alvorleg sjuke og døyande sine forteljingar / Oddgeir Synnes

The Age of Stress : Science and the Search for Stability / Mark Jackson

Progressive museum practice : John Dewey and democracy / George E. Hein

Reinventing the museum : the evolving conversation on the paradigm shift / edited by Gail Anderson

Transnationalizing the Public Sphere / Nancy Fraser [et al.]

Fredrikke Marie Qvam : rabaldermenneske og strateg / Magnhild Folkvord

Introducing Intercultural Communication : Global Cultures and Contexts / Shuang Liu

The Social meaning of children and fertility change in Europe / edited by Anne Lise Ellingsæter, An-Magritt Jensen and Merete Lie

Exploring ordinary theology : everyday Christian believing and the Church / edited by Jeff Astley, Leslie J. Francis

The political economy of corporate social responsibility (CSR) / Maria Gjølberg

Hvalersamfunnets glansdager : Om sjøbuene og framveksten av fisket på Vesterøy, Papper og Skjelbosundet
Randi Utgård og Rolf Utgård

Jeg skal følge deg helt frem : om å miste den man elsker / Ingvild Hurlimann-Lindseth

Marketing and public relations for museums, galleries, cultural and heritage attractions / Ylva French and Sue Runyard

Franciskanerne i Norden : af Jørgen Nymo Rasmussen

History textbooks and the wars in Asia : divided memories / edited by Gi-Wook Shin and Daniel C. Sneider

Cultural connections : culture as a tool for regional development in Nordic local and regional governments / Aase Marthe Johansen Horrigmo

Using a positive lens to explore social change and organizations : building a theoretical and research foundation / edited by Karen Golden-Biddle, Jane E. Dutton

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